3 videos to learn this mindset secret and uplevel your experience in the studio and onstage!


Having your daughter or son in a pre-professional dance program is an experience! It is exciting to watch her improve and grow, but it can also be extremely nerve-wracking.

As a parent, are you concerned about:

  • your dancer’s body image?

  • what he should be eating? (or what you should be feeding him?)

  • the competitive atmosphere?

  • her dance friendships in light of that competition?

  • how he’s balancing academics with dance training?

  • whether she should pursue a career or not?

If you share these concerns, then you’re probably in the right place.


Julia and I began our coaching relationship when she was just 12 years old; she is currently a First Soloist at English National Ballet Company in London.


Sam came to me as a student at San Francisco Ballet School; during our work together, he became a member of Houston Ballet II and most recently signed a corps de ballet contract with Boston Ballet Company.


Emma and I started our work when she was a student at Boston Ballet School. She is now a corps de ballet member at Ballet San Antonio.


Antonia and I started our coaching work when she was a student at San Francisco Ballet School; she has since become a member of Ballet Met II and just signed a corps de ballet contract be announced shortly!


Pilar started working with me when she was a trainee with the Joffrey Ballet in Chicago; she advanced to the Studio Company and now dances as an apprentice for the Indianapolis Ballet.


Abbey and I started coaching when she was a student at San Francisco Ballet School. She is now dancing in the corps de ballet at Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre.


Kyla came to me as a student in the San Francisco Ballet School and is now a trainee at Ballet Idaho.


Claire and I met when she was a student at Ellison Ballet School; she has since gone on to dance with Colorado Ballet and is now dancing with her dream company, Ballet West.


Andrea and I started our work when she was a trainee at Ballet Met. She is now a Soloist at Ballet San Antonio.


Corabelle and I began coaching when she was in the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Grad program; she is now a member of Milwaukee Ballet II.


Leah came to me on the eve of hip surgery, as a young dancer at Kansas City Ballet School; since then she danced professionally with Introdans in the Netherlands and is currently an apprentice with Oklahoma City Ballet.


Carolina and I started working together when she was training at the Greenwich Ballet Academy in CT. She is now a full-time student at Columbia University in  NYC.


Natalie came to me with the dream of attending English National Ballet School’s pre-professional training program; while we worked together, she was accepted and trained with them for three years. Today, she is a junior at Stanford University in CA.


Caroline and I have worked together since she was a student at the Boston Ballet School; she recently graduated from Harvard University and currently dances at City Ballet of Boston and is on the faculty at the Boston Ballet School.


Nathan and I started coaching when he was a student at Cary Ballet Conservatory. Since then he has trained at National Ballet of Canada and joins Tulsa Ballet II in 2024.


Samael began our work after he competed at the Prix de Lausanne when he was a student at Ellison Ballet School. Samael spent a year at Queensland Ballet in Australia and is now a principal dancer at Ballet Ouest in Montreal.



Hi. I‘m Elizabeth, a former professional ballerina with the Cleveland and Boston ballet companies.

Now a coach and mentor for pre-professional dancers, I’ve developed a unique approach that helps young dancers choose a positive path leading to success in their dancing and their life.

  • "Navigating the ballet world is difficult and Elizabeth provides the tools to be successful. She is more than a health coach. She is a mentor and counselor; she is caring and very active in the lives of her clients. I truly believe that Celia would not be the dancer she is today without Elizabeth."

    — Laura, Celia’s mom | Stay at home mom and social worker; Tennessee

  • "This is an investment that will have an impact long after the pointe shoes have worn out. There is no amount of training that could have provided my daughter with the mental strength she gained from working with Elizabeth."

    — Rachel | Physical Therapist, Washington, DC

  • "I honestly think I would not be the person I am today nor have achieved what I have without Elizabeth’s all-encompassing guidance; I implement everything I have learned working with her on a daily basis. Even today as a professional dancer, I still go to Elizabeth for advice and know she will always be there for me."

    — Celia | Dancer (19 years old)

  • "Elizabeth has given me knowledge which allows me to be more in touch with my mind and body. I have a better understanding of how to care for myself in a way that enables me to feel my best and therefore, dance my best."

    — Nicolette | Dancer (17 years old), London, UK

  • "The self-talk tools have also helped me deal with competition in my studio; teachers always compare dancers and I find that really hard to handle. It was affecting my ability to stay focused on myself. With Elizabeth, I’ve learned to filter out unhelpful comments and to stay positive about my own progress."

    — Melissa | Dancer (16 years old), San Francisco, CA